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Showing posts from November, 2023

Adding Dynamic Row In Table, But It Is Emptying Data In The Row

What am I doing wrong here. Need help. When I click on 'Add' button, the data I selected in… Read more Adding Dynamic Row In Table, But It Is Emptying Data In The Row

Javascript Error On Internet Explorer 6,7,8, " Is Null Or Not An Object "

when I start my index.php it calls my javascript file that has this code below: when the applicati… Read more Javascript Error On Internet Explorer 6,7,8, " Is Null Or Not An Object "

Find Leaflet Map Object After Initialisation

I'm trying to change some things on a map that is already initialised by another script, using … Read more Find Leaflet Map Object After Initialisation

Gif Animation Play Only Once Onclick And Mousedown

I have two images: static and animated. I am trying to play that animated image but only once. Afte… Read more Gif Animation Play Only Once Onclick And Mousedown

My Collision Detection Isn't Working

I'm trying to make a simple game where you are pacman and need to collect cherries while avoidi… Read more My Collision Detection Isn't Working

Javascript Cross-browser Click On A Html Dom Element

Is there a vanilla JavaScript cross-browser function available that is able to trigger a click even… Read more Javascript Cross-browser Click On A Html Dom Element

How Do I Correctly Include "require" In My Angular 2 Project?

I am still attempting to get the angular 2 code mirror module working within my angular 2 app. I… Read more How Do I Correctly Include "require" In My Angular 2 Project?

Display Error Message In Modal Using Ajax, Laravel

I'm new to Laravel, I have a problem displaying errors on my project. I'm using laravel req… Read more Display Error Message In Modal Using Ajax, Laravel

Handling Click Event Of Button Which Added In Div Tag Runtime

I am putting this question again by reconstructing I still not have any solution... I am d… Read more Handling Click Event Of Button Which Added In Div Tag Runtime

Date Conversion .net Json To Iso

How can I convert a date time format from JSON.Net such as: /Date(1154970000000+0700)/ To ISO-?? fo… Read more Date Conversion .net Json To Iso

Filter Objects Against Multiple Values, Only Returning Perfect Matches

I have a set of recipe objects, each including an ingredients key with an array of values - like th… Read more Filter Objects Against Multiple Values, Only Returning Perfect Matches

Typescript Modules And Systemjs. Instantiate Class From Inline Script

I am transpiling a typescript module to javascript with the system module option. I am executing th… Read more Typescript Modules And Systemjs. Instantiate Class From Inline Script

How To Pass Inner Query In Mongodb From Javascript

I want to create an aggregation pipeline which one of the matches use results from other collection… Read more How To Pass Inner Query In Mongodb From Javascript

Why Doesn't My Div Swap By .class Work?

Having trouble converting the following code from dealing with IDs to Classes. Basicly what the co… Read more Why Doesn't My Div Swap By .class Work?

Access Overridden Global Variable Inside A Function

I want to access global variable 'x' when it is over-ridden by same named variable inside a… Read more Access Overridden Global Variable Inside A Function

Return Executesql Function

I'm trying to return the results of a SQL query using SQLite. The query works fine and I can ou… Read more Return Executesql Function

How To Fire A Callback Function After A For-loop Is Done In Jquery?

I have two functions that caluclate and adjust the height and width of elements on screen. panelHei… Read more How To Fire A Callback Function After A For-loop Is Done In Jquery?

Md-virtual-repeater Using Body As Container

I am planning to use Angular Material's virtual repeat to achieve a Facebook like functionality… Read more Md-virtual-repeater Using Body As Container

Javascript Regex To Match A Url In A Field Of Text

How can I setup my regex to test to see if a URL is contained in a block of text in javascript. I c… Read more Javascript Regex To Match A Url In A Field Of Text

No Method Error Rails On Ajax Post Request

I'm trying to do an AJAX POST request from fullcalendar to rails, but I get no method error and… Read more No Method Error Rails On Ajax Post Request

Is It Possible To Use Ng-value And Ng-model At The Same Time?

Is it possible to use ng-value and ng-model at the same time? I find this code on W3school https://… Read more Is It Possible To Use Ng-value And Ng-model At The Same Time?

Jszip Files Can't Be Unzipped

I want to download multiple files in a zip file. When the zip file downloads and I try opening it, … Read more Jszip Files Can't Be Unzipped

"uncaught Typeerror: $ Is Not A Function" With Instafeed

I am using InstaFeed to get images from Instagram and show them on a website. Here's my code:��… Read more "uncaught Typeerror: $ Is Not A Function" With Instafeed

Set An Html Input Value By Draggable Svg Shape ? (or Canvas)

I'm trying to put together a GUI for setting some pricing. There are three categories to be rep… Read more Set An Html Input Value By Draggable Svg Shape ? (or Canvas)

Easyautocomplete And Width Of Input

When I add behavior='autocomplete' to my input field, width is changing and not scaling any… Read more Easyautocomplete And Width Of Input

Select2 Change Ajax Url

Im working with knockout.js and select2 plugin. Im trying to change the select2 ajax url based on a… Read more Select2 Change Ajax Url

Filename From Url Excluding Querystring

I have a url : How do I get test.jsp of it ? Solution 1… Read more Filename From Url Excluding Querystring

Inappbrowser Event.url Always Undefined

Do you have any idea why event.url always undefined? This is for loadstart and loadstop. The google… Read more Inappbrowser Event.url Always Undefined

How Come My Custom Font Wont Show When I Write Stuff With Filltext()?

(Note: I'm still kind of a beginner) I have a custom font that works fine for nearly all text o… Read more How Come My Custom Font Wont Show When I Write Stuff With Filltext()?

Cancel Form Submit When Showing Alerts

I've come up against a weird problem when trying to cancel a form submit when the enter key is … Read more Cancel Form Submit When Showing Alerts

Problems Using Jquery Quicksand With Fancybox

I am using this example of quicksand jQuery. Making a Beautiful HTML5 Portfolio Now, i want to open… Read more Problems Using Jquery Quicksand With Fancybox

How To Create Zip Files Using Javascript?

I found a javascript plugin that could generate zip files, its called jszip. I tried it, but I thin… Read more How To Create Zip Files Using Javascript?

Javascript Array Equal To Zero But Not Itself

I've been playing around with arrays in JavaScript and cannot figure out why this happens: The… Read more Javascript Array Equal To Zero But Not Itself

How To Convert Html Page To Pdf Using Javascript

I have a java Application which view few results in a web page , I want to save those results into… Read more How To Convert Html Page To Pdf Using Javascript

Pdf File Download Through Xhr Request

Is it totally impossible to download a pdf file through an XHR request? I know there are many other… Read more Pdf File Download Through Xhr Request

How To Read Flask Sessions Using Javascript?

I have a secured flask session session = 'xC4tHoSZQVSHpVtnHUONYb/obAA=?USER_TOKEN=UycuZUp3Rndja… Read more How To Read Flask Sessions Using Javascript?

Posting To Facebook Wall Using Graph Api

I'm trying to post a text with image to facebook wall using graph api. I'm using following … Read more Posting To Facebook Wall Using Graph Api

Slow Rendering Of Html Table When Binding Json Data

Using angularjs (1.3) with webapi here. I have UI where the user can upload a excel file. My api re… Read more Slow Rendering Of Html Table When Binding Json Data

Can I Embed Javascript As An Xhtml Attribute?

I want to update this code to call javascript in order to validate the url of my image. This is PH… Read more Can I Embed Javascript As An Xhtml Attribute?

Can't Call Function Using Ajax

I'm trying to call a function using ajax, but it's not responding. Here is the Code: ). cli… Read more Can't Call Function Using Ajax

Shorthand For If-else Statement

I have some code with a lot of if/else statements similar to this: var name = 'true'; if (… Read more Shorthand For If-else Statement

How To Use Dynamic Import In Typescript With Webpack Application

I have import some of my modules dynamically based on button click, i have used like below' m… Read more How To Use Dynamic Import In Typescript With Webpack Application

Json Bad Format In Post Method

I'm trying to submit a POST request, but I got error status code 400 because the data I'm s… Read more Json Bad Format In Post Method

How To Send Json_encode Data With Html5 Sse

I have a script that fires an SSE event for fetching json encoded data from online.php. On googling… Read more How To Send Json_encode Data With Html5 Sse

Where Should Js Scripts Go In An Html File?

If you have JS code which is intended to run as part of loading/building the page, where in the HTM… Read more Where Should Js Scripts Go In An Html File?

Ajax In Django Is Creating Duplicate Elements

I have a form which when submitted creates a graph using Plotly. I am trying to use Ajax to submit … Read more Ajax In Django Is Creating Duplicate Elements Working With Html Form Submit But Not An Axios Post Call

I am writing a small app that submits information from a React app to an Express server's '… Read more Working With Html Form Submit But Not An Axios Post Call

Separate Info And Error Logs Bunyan

As I have seen many logs in blogs and I find bunyan suitable for logging but there is problem with … Read more Separate Info And Error Logs Bunyan

Need To Get Qtip To Display Correct New Javascript Html Table Data That Is Dynamic

I have a similar question in which I didn't have the right data in a fiddle to show. What the … Read more Need To Get Qtip To Display Correct New Javascript Html Table Data That Is Dynamic

How To Retain Scroll Position After Reloading The Web-page Too?

$(document).ready(function(){ $('#addmedic').click(function(){ sessionSt… Read more How To Retain Scroll Position After Reloading The Web-page Too?

Node.js, How To Get Client Browser-language?

I am trying to get the language the user uses in order to serve the right sound files for a playing… Read more Node.js, How To Get Client Browser-language?

Extract Presentationnotes From Keynote

I'm having a hard time extracting presentationNotes from a keynote presentation using JXA (Java… Read more Extract Presentationnotes From Keynote

Actioncontroller::routingerror (no Route Matches [get] "/assets/javascripts

I am running a development server and I'm trying to load some static pages and files (images, c… Read more Actioncontroller::routingerror (no Route Matches [get] "/assets/javascripts

Event "onclick" On Treeview Dhtmlx

I have a treeview attached in a cell of a DHTMLX (pro) layout. myTreeView = myLayout.cells('a&… Read more Event "onclick" On Treeview Dhtmlx

Animated Autoscroll To Div Onclick

I have a simple menu with fixed position and some text inside it and some boxes under this menu(div… Read more Animated Autoscroll To Div Onclick

Google Sheet Script - Multiple Getrange Looping

so I have a new problem. So far my script here can loop a sheet and find the text 'Bank', i… Read more Google Sheet Script - Multiple Getrange Looping

Regular Expression Pattern With A Variable

I am using regular expression to check number of digits after decimal. This is working fine when it… Read more Regular Expression Pattern With A Variable

Elastic 2d Ball Collision Using Angles

Yes theres a few threads on this, but not many using angles and I'm really trying to figure it … Read more Elastic 2d Ball Collision Using Angles

Adding A Character On A String From A Htmlinput Using Javascript

I have this htmlInput in an ASP:Repeater that I want to be formatted in time format (e.g: 13:39) on… Read more Adding A Character On A String From A Htmlinput Using Javascript

Node.js Net Library: Getting Complete Data From 'data' Event

I've searched around, and either can't find the exact question I'm trying to answer, or… Read more Node.js Net Library: Getting Complete Data From 'data' Event

Understanding Es6 Modules

Please can someone confirm my understanding of ES modules? In javascripts/bar.js: var foo = 2; exp… Read more Understanding Es6 Modules