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How Do I Use Data From Vue.js Child Component Within Parent Component?

I have a form component where I use a child component. I want to use data from the child component within the parent. My component in html:

    <div class='col-md-6 col-md-offset-3'>
        <h1>Add New Candidate</h1>
        <candidates-form endpoint='/candidates/create' buttontext='Add Candidate'></candidates-form>

Parent Vue component:

<template><div><divclass='form-group'><label>Name:</label><inputtype='text'class='form-control'v-model='name'></div><divclass='form-group'><location-input:location="locationData"></location-input></div><buttonclass='btn btn-primary'>{{buttontext}}</button><pre>{{ locationData | json }}</pre></div></template><script>exportdefault {
    data() {
        return {
            locationData: {
                place: {
                    name: ''
                types: [],
                restrictions: {'country': 'usa'}
    props: ['endpoint', 'buttontext']

Child Vue component:

<template><place-input:place.sync="":types.sync="location.types":component-restrictions.sync="location.restrictions"class='form-control'label='Location: 'name='location'
    ></place-input></template><script>import { PlaceInput, Map } from'vue-google-maps'exportdefault {
        props: ['location'],
        components: {
</script><style>label { display: block; }

Aaaaand the overall app.js file (this is within a Laravel 5.3 app btw)

import { load } from'vue-google-maps'load({
  key: '<API_KEY>',
  v: '3.24',             // Google Maps API versionlibraries: 'places',   // for places input

Vue.component('locationInput', require('./components/LocationInput.vue'));
Vue.component('candidatesForm', require('./components/CandidatesForm.vue'));
Vue.component('company-list', require('./components/CompanyList.vue'));

const app = newVue({
    el: 'body'

This article from also helped simplify things for me also. I was overthinking it!

Shout out to @GuillaumeLeclerc for the vue-google-maps component:

Solution 2:

I would recommend the data store approach which is in the VueJS documentation here:

Essentially you would have a store.js file that exports a data object for your application. This data object is shared with all of your components.

From the page linked above:

const sourceOfTruth = {}
const vmA = newVue({
  data: sourceOfTruth
const vmB = newVue({
  data: sourceOfTruth

and if you need components to have private state along with shared state:

varvmA=newVue({data: {
    privateState: {},
})varvmB=newVue({data: {
    privateState: {},

Solution 3:

Check out my answer here VueJS access child component's data from parent , pretty same questions.

If you are working with large scale application, the best option is to use Vuex, it would save you from a lot of troubles.

Otherwise if it's not a bug app, then you can go with my approach, or using Event Bus.

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