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Ajax In Django Is Creating Duplicate Elements

I have a form which when submitted creates a graph using Plotly. I am trying to use Ajax to submit the form without page refresh. While the form is submitted successfully, the form

Solution 1:

You should use a different endpoint/view to return the graph template. At the moment you are getting the current page and loading it again but with a graph this time.

Your home template should be:

<formaction="{% url 'home' %}"method='post'id='year-form'>
    {% csrf_token %}

    <selectclass="form-select form-select-lg mb-3 dropdown-btn"aria-label="Default select example"name="year"><optionselected>Select Year</option><optionvalue="2017">2017</option><optionvalue="2018">2018</option><optionvalue="2019">2019</option><optionvalue="2020">2020</option></select><divclass="d-grid gap-2"><buttonclass="btn btn-primary btn-lg"type="submit">Button</button></div></form><divid="message"></div><divclass="graph center"id='graph'><p>No graph was provided.</p></div>

Then you have a second template used at a different view which you get via ajax to get the graph like so:

{% if graph %}
    {{ graph.0|safe }}
{% else %}
    <p>No graph was provided.</p>
{% endif %}

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