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Elastic 2d Ball Collision Using Angles

Yes theres a few threads on this, but not many using angles and I'm really trying to figure it out this way, I'm now stuck on setting the new velocity angles for the circles. I hav

Solution 1:

A few directions :

• As mentioned in the comments, use only radians (no more *180/PI). • atan2 takes y as first param, x as second param.

var d1 = Math.atan2(vy, vx); //ball 1 direction in anglesvar d2 = Math.atan2(vy2, vx2); //ball 2 direction in angles

• to rotate a vector, compute first its norm, then only project it with the new angle :

var v1 = Math.sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy);
var v2 = Math.sqrt(vx2*vx2+vy2*vy2);

var newvx = v1 * Math.cos(d1 - ang);
var newvy = v1 * Math.sin(d1 - ang);
var newvx2 = v2 * Math.cos(d2 - ang); 
var newvy2 = v2 * Math.sin(d2 - ang);

• You are detecting the collision when it already happened, so both circles overlap, but you do NOT solve the collision, meaning the circles might still overlap on next iteration, leading to a new collision and a new direction taken, ... not solved, etc.. -->> You need to ensure both circles are not colliding any more after you solved the collision.

• Last issue, but not a small one, is how you compute the angle. No more time for you sorry, but it would be helpful both for you and us to build one (several) scheme showing how you compute the angles.

Updated (but not working) codepen here :

Good luck.

Edit :

Your code at simplify to this :

var  angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx),
      spread = minDistance - distance,
      ax = spread * Math.cos(angle),
      ay = spread * Math.sin(angle);

    vx -= ax;
    vy -= ay;
    vx2 += ax;
    vy2 += ay;

You are substracting the gap between both circles from the speed. Since later you add the speed to the position, that will do the spatial separation (=> no more collision). I think to understand what vx-=ax means, we have to remember newton : v = a*t, where a is the acceleration, so basically doing vx=-ax means applying a force having the direction between both centers as direction, and the amount by which both circle collided (spread) as intensity. That amount is obviously quite random, hence the numerical instability that you see : sometimes a small effect, sometimes a big one.

look here for a constant punch version :

var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx),
  spread = minDistance - distance,
  ax = spread * Math.cos(angle),
  ay = spread * Math.sin(angle);

// solve collision (separation)
cx -= ax;
cy -= ay;

// give a punch to the speedvar punch = 2;

vx -= punch*Math.cos(angle);
vy -= punch*Math.sin(angle);
vx2 += punch*Math.cos(angle);
vy2 += punch*Math.sin(angle);

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