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How To Send Json_encode Data With Html5 Sse

I have a script that fires an SSE event for fetching json encoded data from online.php. On googling, I found ways to send JSON data with sse, by introducing line-breaks. What I am

Solution 1:

You need to send it in EventStream format, which in this case is just prepending it with data:

echo'data: ' . json_encode($data) . "\n\n";

Solution 2:

You can encode the $data array like Ryan said:

echo'data: ' . json_encode($data) . "\n\n";

Then, client side, will be viewed as a string, which you can then easily parse to json using query's jQuery.parseJSON(). so your client-side code will look something like this:

// Check if the browser supports SSEif (typeof (EventSource) !== "undefined") {

              var source = newEventSource("script.php");
              // Handle evetns
              source.onmessage = function(event) {
                  // parse the data that has an object as a stringvar msg = $.parseJSON(;
                     // Do awesome code with the values inside msg
        } else {
              alert("Sorry, your browser doesn't support this awesome feature!");


Solution 3:

Your script will only show output once as it needs to have some kind of a loop to keep running (conditionally of course or you'll have millions of instances running!!).

I've chopped up an implementation I wrote earlier today which demonstrates this and also added some additional javascript/jquery to help manage the streams better. The below will also work on a single threaded PHP installation like Xampp (for local development) Notes on Xampp: As the PHP script is in a loop and doesn't terminate immediately it will stop a new php or agax script from running. If you're using ajax as well to call PHP call stream_close() in the beforesend and stream_open() in the success callbacks.

The below is untested but it's mainly grabbed from working code so it should be fine.

header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');


    $data = array();
    //collect data from database or wherever to stream to browser//example data$data[0]["name"] = 'Bob';
        $data[0]["total"] = rand(0,100);
        $data[0]["name"] = 'Jane';
        $data[0]["total"] = rand(0,100);

    //maybe there is no new data so just send one new line//this is required to check if the connection is still aliveif(!empty($data)){  
    }else{              //Otherwise json encode the data for outputecho'data: '.json_encode($data)."\n\n";
    flush();            //Flush the result to the browser
    sleep(1);           //Wait a second (or what ever you like)//If the browser is still connectedif(!connection_aborted() && connection_status()==0){
        stream();       //recurse the function

?><script>var webstream = false;

        stream_close(); //Close the stream it (in case we got here weirdly)if(!!window.EventSource){   //Test compatibility
            webstream = newEventSource('./stream.php');
            console.log("Stream Opened");   //Log event for testing

            webstream.addEventListener('message', function(e){
                var data = JSON.parse(;  //Parse the json into an objectprocess_stream(data);

            //Cleanup after navigating away (optional)              
            $(window).bind('beforeunload', function(){  
                webstream.onclose = function(){}; //delete onclose (optional)
                webstream.close();  //Close the stream

            webstream = false;
            console.log("Stream Closed");   //Log event for testing

        //do something with the new data from the stream, e.g. log in consoleconsole.log(data);

    //Optional://Toggle stream on blur/focus//Good if the user opens multiple windows or Xampp?
        $(window).on("blur focus", function(e) {

            //get the last blur/focus event typevar prevType = $(this).data("prevType") || null;

            if (prevType != e.type){
                console.log(e.type);    //Log event for testing (focus/blur)switch (e.type){
                        stream_close(); //Close stream on blurbreak;
                        stream_open();  //Open stream on focusbreak;

            //Store the last event type to data
            $(this).data("prevType", e.type);

    // Optional:// Using idletimer plugin to close the stream in times of inactivity//

        $(document).on("idle.idleTimer", function (){
        $(document).on("active.idleTimer", function (){
        $(document).idleTimer({timeout:5000}); //5 second idle timer</script>

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