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Pdf File Download Through Xhr Request

Is it totally impossible to download a pdf file through an XHR request? I know there are many other discussions already on this topic but sadly, I am still not satisfied with them.

Solution 1:

Have a look at this JQuery plugin jquery-file-download-plugin and here is the demo page of this plugin demo . I think its inserting iframe dynamically to DOM and produces look and feel just like AJAX request. It might be helpful for you.

Solution 2:

It certainly depends on the size of the PDF file, but this would be a workable approach if the PDF isn't too large:

  1. Show the "waiting image" and download the PDF using $http.

    $http.get('').success(function(pdfData) {
      ... do something with pdfData ...
  2. Convert pdfData to Base64 encoding and use a data URI scheme to create a URL for the downloaded PDF file.

  3. Redirect to that URL.

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