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Actioncontroller::routingerror (no Route Matches [get] "/assets/javascripts

I am running a development server and I'm trying to load some static pages and files (images, css and javasripts) in my rails application for testing. (In general, I'm new in rails

Solution 1:

You need to include these files in application.js manully or just write //= require_tree . to load all js

Similarly, you have to work for css. Add *= require_tree . in application.css.

Solution 2:

Finally, in order to resolve this error and transfer my static pages to Rails I had to modify my homepage.html.erb as follows:

Stylesheet links:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "bootstrap.min.css" %>

the following also works:

<link href="assets/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Javascript include:

<%= javascript_include_tag "bootstrap.min.js" %>

In general, I found that no precompilation is necessary. I tested and it works with or without precompilation. The following also works:


Tag for images:

<%= image_tag("portfolio/dreams-preview.png", class: "img-responsive img-centered") %>

Rails use by default the normal path for images (assets/images). The full path should not be used. Unless the path for images is different, use only the path deeper than assets/images, if exists.

No changes were made in application.html.erb but precompilation for javascripts and stylesheets is necessary in assets.rb:

Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += ['agency.min.js', 'agency.min.css', ...] 

Eventually the site works, although some conflicts in the execution of javascripts might be appear.

Solution 3:

I was actually getting these kind of errors too. Mine looked like this:

F, [2018-06-16T17:46:02.121588 #6963] FATAL -- : 
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/theme/bootstrap.min.css"):

 [2018-06-18T12:55:20.169664 #18951] FATAL -- : 
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/theme/main.css"): 

And I never added any reference to these files in my application. So I did not immediately realize why these specific css files were being requested. Well, it happens that after my application received a 404 error or 500 error, it would load the corresponding 404.html or 500.html in the public directory. Those directories did reference these css files:

<head><title>PAGE NOT FOUND (404)</title><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"><linkrel="stylesheet"href="/assets/theme/bootstrap.min.css"><linkrel="stylesheet"href="/assets/theme/main.css"></head>

So remove the references here and errors will go away.

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