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Jszip Files Can't Be Unzipped

I want to download multiple files in a zip file. When the zip file downloads and I try opening it, I get the following error on macos 'unable to expand test into downloads (Error 1

Solution 1:

reader.readAsText is asynchronous: reader.onload will be called after everything else.

In the following code:

for (...) {
  reader.onload = function() {
    // 3
  reader.readAsText(...); // 1
// 2

You will loop on every item of your array and register a callback (1), then continue outside of the loop (2). Finally, when the file reader ends its job, 3 will be executed. That's why adding a setTimeout "fix" the issue: after 5 seconds, the callbacks ended and filled in the zip object.

The fix: you could read asynchronously every blob and wait for all reads to end before calling zip.generateAsync. There is an easier way: JSZip v3 reads blobs so you can directly add it.


Assuming pages is a FileList, you can do:

for(let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
    // here, pages[i] is a File (
    zip.file(pages[i].name, pages[i]);
zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}).then(function(blob) {...});

A File is a specialized Blob, so JSZip can read it to.

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