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Showing posts from June, 2024

Check Atleast One Checkbox Is Checked On Form Submission

I have a form that consists of checkbox fields, now on form submission we should check whether atle… Read more Check Atleast One Checkbox Is Checked On Form Submission

Is It Safe To Use Eval In Javascript When It Only Executes Server-side Data?

Yes, it's a kinda duplicate of this question, but the answer given by @apsillers is a super-ans… Read more Is It Safe To Use Eval In Javascript When It Only Executes Server-side Data?

Chrome Extensions: Open Link In New Tab Upon Loading Of A Particular Page?

I'd like to create a Chrome extension where, when a particular URL opens, another URL opens aut… Read more Chrome Extensions: Open Link In New Tab Upon Loading Of A Particular Page?

Formdata() Object Does Not Add Submit-type Inputs From Form, While On Firefox

Today I came across an interesting bug, which took a good chunk of time to get to the bottom of. Th… Read more Formdata() Object Does Not Add Submit-type Inputs From Form, While On Firefox

How To Parse Csv From Github?

jQuery.ajax({ url: '… Read more How To Parse Csv From Github?

Set Default Date Air-datepicker

I am using air-datepicker inline. I need to set the start date for it. Here is the script and how I… Read more Set Default Date Air-datepicker

What Methods Can Be Called On Docpad's Query Tools?

In Docpad's documentation it lists a series of Querying helpers. Here's the link. The follo… Read more What Methods Can Be Called On Docpad's Query Tools?

Javascript Regex : Remove Text Between Html Tags

i want to remove text that is between any HTML tags : example : Title my var result should be :… Read more Javascript Regex : Remove Text Between Html Tags

Using Getelementbyclassname In Safari

I'm trying to target Safari(both mobile and desktop) and append some styles for a class via Jav… Read more Using Getelementbyclassname In Safari

Websockets Not Working In My Rails App When I Run On Unicorn Server, But Works On A Thin Server

I'm learning Ruby on Rails to build a real-time web app with WebSockets on Heroku, but I can… Read more Websockets Not Working In My Rails App When I Run On Unicorn Server, But Works On A Thin Server

Javascript/html5: Get Current Time Of Audio Tag

I have an audio tag in my template and I need to show currentTime of it on a button click. Please c… Read more Javascript/html5: Get Current Time Of Audio Tag

How To Sort Dates Below 1970 In Javascript?

so I am sorting dates and there is one date of 1967-08-07, what would be the correct approach to it… Read more How To Sort Dates Below 1970 In Javascript?

Difficulties Loading Angular2-infinite-scroll

I am getting 2 errors on my app: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404… Read more Difficulties Loading Angular2-infinite-scroll

Convert Nested Json Object In Reactjs?

I've been playing with json objects & using ReactJS. One of the json object represented by … Read more Convert Nested Json Object In Reactjs?

Multiple Comma Seperate Value Compare Using Js

I want validation using a comma separated value. Here in the image, there are two fields : one is &… Read more Multiple Comma Seperate Value Compare Using Js

Count Occurances In String From Keyword Array In Javascript

I have an array: var locations = ['Afghanistan','Albania','Algeria','Ne… Read more Count Occurances In String From Keyword Array In Javascript

Internet Explorer's Operation Aborted And Latency Issue

If you don't know what the operation aborted error is, here's a Microsoft KB Article about … Read more Internet Explorer's Operation Aborted And Latency Issue

Does Phonegap Use Just Uiwebview Or Is It Doing Something More Then That? Nitro?

Does PhoneGap just use UIWebVIew or is it doing something more then that? Can it take advantage of… Read more Does Phonegap Use Just Uiwebview Or Is It Doing Something More Then That? Nitro?

Creating Popup Window With Form Content And Then Show Output In Parent Page And Send To Database

I have a table and in of it's column I want user when click on button that is inside this colum… Read more Creating Popup Window With Form Content And Then Show Output In Parent Page And Send To Database

I'm Doing Something Wrong With Spotlights And Shadows In Three.js

I have a really simple scene which has one .dae mesh in it, and a 7000*7000 plane underneath the me… Read more I'm Doing Something Wrong With Spotlights And Shadows In Three.js

Event Handler For Header Clicks In Dhtmlx Scheduler

We use DHTMLX Scheduler and we would like to attach a listener for clicks on header in week view, u… Read more Event Handler For Header Clicks In Dhtmlx Scheduler

Javascript File Input Onchange Isn't Triggered When They Select A File With The Same Name

I have a file input in my webpage that allows a user to upload images. I have things set up so that… Read more Javascript File Input Onchange Isn't Triggered When They Select A File With The Same Name

Ng-if Should Show Only One Object

Hi dear Stackoverflow Community i have a problem. First here is my Code: html: Solution 1: If you … Read more Ng-if Should Show Only One Object

Es6 Javascript Class Using This Inside A Callback

The new es6 class allows you to use the self reference variable this inside methods. However if a c… Read more Es6 Javascript Class Using This Inside A Callback

Convert Scatterchart Into Linechart

I have a scatterChart with too many points in nvd3 that looks like that: It is very computationall… Read more Convert Scatterchart Into Linechart

How To Toggle On Order In Reactjs

I am doing sorting in asc and desc. I want to make logic if User click first time I want to update … Read more How To Toggle On Order In Reactjs

Arguments In Whenalldone Promise/deferred Javascript Helper Not Working When I Wrap Existing Code Into A Deferred

I'm trying to implement the following in TypeScript:… Read more Arguments In Whenalldone Promise/deferred Javascript Helper Not Working When I Wrap Existing Code Into A Deferred

How To Modify Multiple Elements, One After The Other

I'm working on an image fader. I have it so that it fades the image (or in this case div with a… Read more How To Modify Multiple Elements, One After The Other

Callback In Jquery Ajax Not Working When Using Jquery Ajax Cache Code Below

Below is my code and issue is with cache code is not working properly if any ajax call has callback… Read more Callback In Jquery Ajax Not Working When Using Jquery Ajax Cache Code Below

Can Emscripten Compile Llvm To Javascript?

I'd like to know if Emscripten is self-hosting in such a way, that it can compile LLVM to JavaS… Read more Can Emscripten Compile Llvm To Javascript?

How To Access Property With Leading Numbers In Name

var jsonJSON = UrlFetchApp.fetch(''); var json = Utiliti… Read more How To Access Property With Leading Numbers In Name

Custom Formatter In Jqgrid Which Calls Jquery Function

I have a jqGrid with a custom formatter that returns two checkboxes: jQuery(function($){ $('… Read more Custom Formatter In Jqgrid Which Calls Jquery Function

Angular2 Subscribe Understand Arrow Function

I try to understand arrow functions of typescript by the example of Angular 2 Observable subscribe … Read more Angular2 Subscribe Understand Arrow Function

Selenium: Click On A "
" Button

I tried to click on a button. It has this structure: Copy using By.linkText() :- Read more Selenium: Click On A "
" Button

Userscript For Creating A Confirmation Popup Whenever Submitting An Issue Or Posting A Comment Via Pressing Ctrl+enter(the Built-in Hotkey) In Github

Test URL: GitHub allows in the issues area for a public … Read more Userscript For Creating A Confirmation Popup Whenever Submitting An Issue Or Posting A Comment Via Pressing Ctrl+enter(the Built-in Hotkey) In Github

How Can I Convert Json String To Google.visualization.datatable?

I am getting a json string from the response. How can I create a data table from that? e.g. var jas… Read more How Can I Convert Json String To Google.visualization.datatable?

Bootstrap 3 Tooltip Flickers

I have a Bootstrap 3 button with a tooltip. When clicking the button the tooltip shows and then fad… Read more Bootstrap 3 Tooltip Flickers

Mouseover Event In Jquery

I have the following mouseover function: $('.msg_id').live('mouseover', function() … Read more Mouseover Event In Jquery

Fabricjs: Fill Svg With Image Pattern

I’d like to load my SVG file, and fill it with pattern, created from my image file. Here is my curr… Read more Fabricjs: Fill Svg With Image Pattern

Resizable Table Columns With Bz Code

I've created a resizable table columns code by following bz's demo But when I create more t… Read more Resizable Table Columns With Bz Code

Js Onclick="history.go(-1) Only If Under My Domain

I have a Joomla site, and I have the following problem, I need a 'Back to search page' fun… Read more Js Onclick="history.go(-1) Only If Under My Domain

Importing Csv Without Headers Into D3 - Data With Both Numbers And Strings

I'm working on a visualization where I need to import some csv data. Let's say the csv file… Read more Importing Csv Without Headers Into D3 - Data With Both Numbers And Strings

Navigation Bar That Doesn't Reload

I have what is probably a very stupid question. I have been writing a Ruby On Rails app for the las… Read more Navigation Bar That Doesn't Reload

Nivo Slider Captions Transparent In Ie7,8

For some reason, Nivo slider's captions aren't working properly in Internet Explorer 7 and … Read more Nivo Slider Captions Transparent In Ie7,8

Is It The Filename Or The Whole Url Used As A Key In Browser Caches?

It's common to want browsers to cache resources - JavaScript, CSS, images, etc. until there is … Read more Is It The Filename Or The Whole Url Used As A Key In Browser Caches?

Angularjs - Passing A Variable Into `$routeprovider`

Trying to figure out an 'Angular specific' way to try and achieve this. I have a page with … Read more Angularjs - Passing A Variable Into `$routeprovider`

Update Current Indentation Spaces Size In Webstorm 2016

I need to switch from a 2 spaces indentation style to a 4 spaces one within an automatically create… Read more Update Current Indentation Spaces Size In Webstorm 2016

Access Vbscript Variable Within Javascript Inside Of An Hta

I'm trying to access a variable in javascript that i set in vbscript all within one hta file: S… Read more Access Vbscript Variable Within Javascript Inside Of An Hta

Using Javascript Console In Google Chrome How Can I Get The Index Of The Selected/active/current Tab?

I am trying to retrieve the index of the currently active/selected/current tab. What is the command… Read more Using Javascript Console In Google Chrome How Can I Get The Index Of The Selected/active/current Tab?

Vertical Alignment Of Tms Tiles In Leaflet Using Epsg:25832 Projection

I am using Leaflet with Proj4Leaflet to work with tiles in 25832. The application is fairly simple:… Read more Vertical Alignment Of Tms Tiles In Leaflet Using Epsg:25832 Projection

Webpack Is Not Finding My Imports Or Converting My Es6 Code

I'm new to webpack and trying to set up for my client side project. I have created a repo over … Read more Webpack Is Not Finding My Imports Or Converting My Es6 Code

Adding Or Injecting More Than One Row Of Css With Vanilla Javascript In An Array-like Way

I use the following code to make all text red in a webpage: var myCss = document.createElement('… Read more Adding Or Injecting More Than One Row Of Css With Vanilla Javascript In An Array-like Way

How To Change Code Formatting In Visual Studio Code

Hi I'm using VS Code for TypeScript and JavaScript. Standart autoformat create code like this i… Read more How To Change Code Formatting In Visual Studio Code

Ember Get Not Getting Certain Attribute

When running the following from the UserController on Google Chrome, with ember-couchdb-kit-0.9, Em… Read more Ember Get Not Getting Certain Attribute

Prepending Namespace To All Of A Json Object's Keys

I'm not overly knowledgeable in JavaScript, but here's the rundown on what I'm trying t… Read more Prepending Namespace To All Of A Json Object's Keys

Difference In Performance Between Calling .localecompare On String Objects And Constructing A Purpose-made Intl.collator Object?

Background: So I need to sort lots of strings. Arrays of strings, actually, but that's besides… Read more Difference In Performance Between Calling .localecompare On String Objects And Constructing A Purpose-made Intl.collator Object?

Why Can't I Invoke A Function Directly?

I am working through a small exercise from code school and cant figure out why I have to pass the f… Read more Why Can't I Invoke A Function Directly?

Nodejs Asynchronous Programming - Coordinating Parallel Calls

I was referring this nodetuts tutorial on coordinating parallel calls in NodeJs. http://nodetuts.c… Read more Nodejs Asynchronous Programming - Coordinating Parallel Calls

Download The Contents In The Pop Up Window

Below is the html code that has a pop up window when you click on 'open window'. I have add… Read more Download The Contents In The Pop Up Window