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Does Phonegap Use Just Uiwebview Or Is It Doing Something More Then That? Nitro?

Does PhoneGap just use UIWebVIew or is it doing something more then that? Can it take advantage of Apples Nitro VM? I'm currently exploring the choices for porting our javascript

Solution 1:

Yes PhoneGap uses a UIWebView but it is highly customized with lots of custom javascript which gets injected into the page.

No as it uses a UIWebView it doesn't gets to use the NITRO javascript engine.

Edit: Apple corrected the fullscreen web apps bug however they did not fix it for UIWebViews as that would let normal apps mark memory chunks as executable (security risk).

Solution 2:

In Titanium, app code is written in core JavaScript and it spits native code while compilation using language bridge. So Titanium is completely native.

PhoneGap is nothing but just a UIWebView.

Solution 3:

I would like to know too. I have found no evidence that Nitro is enabled in UIWebView. There is plenty of evidence that it was not enabled in 4.3 (it was only in Safari itself). There are reports that it was enabled in other Apps beyond Safari in 5.0, but I can find no evidence that it is enabled in UIWebView.

From CNET referencing the HN discussion:

"There's also a way to create Web apps on iOS that doesn't use Safari proper, an interface called UIWebView.

That doesn't look to be getting the Nitro speed-up for security reasons involving just-in-time (JIT) compilation that Nitro uses to create faster versions of JavaScript software on the fly."

More reading:

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