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What Methods Can Be Called On Docpad's Query Tools?

In Docpad's documentation it lists a series of Querying helpers. Here's the link. The following list appears at the bottom. Among these helpers are @getCollection, @getFiles, @getF

Solution 1:

How I understand it using simple man words:

So in docpad documents are by default interpreted as yaml files (content+metadata). So your query returns object that is this yaml file that you parse to json.

Important to know is that this yaml file is not only "your" defined metadata + content but also some additional metadata defined here So this is a lot of additional data that you can access.

I assume you use ECO templating and you probably know that it is all about CoffeeScript. So toJSON() method is just one of javascript methods that you can use. I didn't try to check it but I just noticed that anything I want to solve with coffeescript is doable in ECO. So once you parse the object returned by your query to json, you can do anything and call any method you want on JSON object.

Whenever I query for docs of files, I add: <% console.log @document %> to my "for" loop. It returns in the console the whole json object. So you can easily see what objects are returned with your query and what data you can take out of them.

Hope that helps. Cheers

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