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Ajax, Javascript Send Variable To Another Page, On Click

Lests say I have a basic loop: **$page = 'unique value which changes every time it counts, it loops';**

Solution 1:

ok,from what i understand, you need a javascript function binded on the onclick event of the generated links that sends you back to a different page the link content. if that's what you need, i recommend using a library such as jquery (it's more easy ti use) and paste this code into the page: $('a').click(function(){ $.post("url_of_the_page_you_want_to_send", {data : $(this).html()}); }); hope this helps :|

Solution 2:

I think you are talking about the get variables

Try this.

<ahref="<?echo$page; ?>">Link<?echo$count; ?></a>

and you can get the value of $page variable in page.php like this


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