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Make Sure First Ajax Function Finishes Before Second One

I have a JavaScript function that makes two consecutive Ajax requests using jQuery. I want to make sure that the first request has loaded before the second function is called. Is

Solution 1:

Either specify async: false in the $.ajax options, or make the second ajax call in the complete callback of the first call.

Solution 2:

$.post("script1.php", {data:"val"}, function(response) {
  $.post("script2.php", {data:response}, function(results) {
    // this second call will be initialized when the first finishes

Solution 3:

Using jQuery the simplest way is like this:

   type: "POST",
   url: "some.php",       
    success: function(msg){
         type: "POST",
         url: "some2.php",

         success: function(msg){
             alert( "End of second call" );

Solution 4:

In your callback for the first function, make your second call.

Solution 5:

For best results you should probably invoke the second function in the callback of the first.

For Example:

$.post("", function(data) {
  // whateverfunction2();

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