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Showing posts from February, 2023

How To Implement Server Push / Long Polling / Comet Using PHP And Javascript

How can I implement the comet / server push design pattern using PHP and Javascript? Essentially w… Read more How To Implement Server Push / Long Polling / Comet Using PHP And Javascript

Confusion Regarding Bounded Contexts And Interaction Between Them

I'm trying to implement my first domain driven application, after going through Eric Evan's… Read more Confusion Regarding Bounded Contexts And Interaction Between Them

Creating A Loading Screen That Disappears After X Time On Button Click

I was wondering if it was possible to add a 'loading screen' that could be an overlay that … Read more Creating A Loading Screen That Disappears After X Time On Button Click

Meaning Of A Double Star (**) In A File Path

I was reading here on Stack Overflow about ** in a path, as in this example: src/js/**/*.js I woul… Read more Meaning Of A Double Star (**) In A File Path

How To Fix This "TypeError: Cannot Find Function GetTime In Object"?

I'm using this function in a Google Apps Script: function dateDiffYears() { var datas = [ [Da… Read more How To Fix This "TypeError: Cannot Find Function GetTime In Object"?

How To Always Focus Keep Focus In Text Box

I have created a single HTML page that contains two divs. The div on the left (90% of page) is the … Read more How To Always Focus Keep Focus In Text Box

Chart.js Not Displaying On Android Webview If Animation Is Set To False

I have a javascript enabled WebView with a ChromeWebClient and they display the Chart.Js pie exampl… Read more Chart.js Not Displaying On Android Webview If Animation Is Set To False

BIFF5 - Excel - Workbook Stream Problems (corrupt File)

I am successfully writing to an Excel file, using javascript from my FireFox extension. I can get t… Read more BIFF5 - Excel - Workbook Stream Problems (corrupt File)

Setting Zoom Level For Layers In Leaflet

Continuing the query from here:… Read more Setting Zoom Level For Layers In Leaflet

'Leave This Page' Message Display Twice On IE10

I have these line of code using onbeforeunload to ask user to save their data before closing the pa… Read more 'Leave This Page' Message Display Twice On IE10

How To Pause An Event In JQuery?

I have a question regarding events. Basically, I want to run a jquery method when the user clicks a… Read more How To Pause An Event In JQuery?

WebRTC GetUserMedia Not Showing Video

I have the following code: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { v… Read more WebRTC GetUserMedia Not Showing Video

Need To JSON Stringify An Object In ExtendScript

I am working on processing meta data information of my Indesign document links, using ExtentdScript… Read more Need To JSON Stringify An Object In ExtendScript

Natively Set HTML Select Element To Its Default Value

I have a select element and the user changes the selection. Later I want to programmatically change… Read more Natively Set HTML Select Element To Its Default Value

I Have Faced The Issue While Creating Triple Y-axis

i have faced the problem while creating triple y-axis in google charts . The problem is space betwe… Read more I Have Faced The Issue While Creating Triple Y-axis

Create JSON Structure From JSON Results

Given this JavaScript object: [ { 'label': 'NewNetworkServiceProvider', … Read more Create JSON Structure From JSON Results

How To Get Column Value For A Given Row Within GridView Using Javascript In

I have a GridView, I have a row index in a javascript function. Now I want to get the value of a Co… Read more How To Get Column Value For A Given Row Within GridView Using Javascript In

Can I Open A New Window And Populate It With A String Variable?

I am having a bit of a battle with something that seems simple. I have a [javascript] string that h… Read more Can I Open A New Window And Populate It With A String Variable?

JQuery Autocomplete In Background Of Input Text Box

I have a jQuery text box autocomplete script which uses a PHP script to query a MySQL database. Cur… Read more JQuery Autocomplete In Background Of Input Text Box

Dynamic Directive Element Fails In Pre Populate Data From Service

Found some solution to create dynamic fields by directive using object.Also can able to create dyna… Read more Dynamic Directive Element Fails In Pre Populate Data From Service

Selecting Only One Div Of Entire Css Class In JQuery

my goal is to show an overlay on a div when that div is hovered on. The normal div is called .circl… Read more Selecting Only One Div Of Entire Css Class In JQuery

Javascript Confrmation Box, Executing Code Behind Only If Clicked Yes

This is following my previous question.. How to reload parent page on closing PopUp window? I tried… Read more Javascript Confrmation Box, Executing Code Behind Only If Clicked Yes