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I Have Faced The Issue While Creating Triple Y-axis

i have faced the problem while creating triple y-axis in google charts . The problem is space between right side axis. could you please help me. i provided the following code snipp

Solution 1:

i'm thinking this feature was intended for no more than two vAxes,
although it does appear to work, there aren't any config options to handle this

if you must have three, try textPosition

have one 'in' and the other 'out'

see following example...

google.charts.load('current', {
  callback: function () {
    var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
    data.addColumn('date', 'Month');
    data.addColumn('number', "Average Temperature");
    data.addColumn('number', "Average Hours of Daylight");
    data.addColumn('number', "Average 1");
    data.addColumn('number',"Average 2")
      [new Date(2014, 0),  -.5,  8.7,7,11],
      [new Date(2014, 1),   .4,  8.7,5,12],
      [new Date(2014, 2),   .5,   12,6,13],
      [new Date(2014, 3),  2.9, 15.7,5,14],
      [new Date(2014, 4),  6.3, 18.6,8,15],
      [new Date(2014, 5),    9, 20.9,8,16],
      [new Date(2014, 6), 10.6, 19.8,9,16],
      [new Date(2014, 7), 10.3, 16.6,7,15],
      [new Date(2014, 8),  7.4, 13.3,8,14],
      [new Date(2014, 9),  4.4,  9.9,12,13],
      [new Date(2014, 10), 1.1,  6.6,11,12],
      [new Date(2014, 11), -.2,  4.5,11,11]

    var classicOptions = {
      title: 'Average Temperatures and Daylight in Iceland Throughout the Year',
      width: 900,
      height: 500,
      chartArea: {
        width: '50%'
      series: {
        0: {targetAxisIndex: 0},
        1: {targetAxisIndex: 1},
        2: {targetAxisIndex: 2}
      vAxes: {
        0: {
          textPosition: 'out',
          title: 'Temps (Celsius)'
        1: {
          textPosition: 'in',
          title: 'Daylight',
          viewWindow: {
            max: 30
        2: {
          textPosition: 'out',
          title: 'third',
          viewWindow: {
            max: 40
      hAxis: {
        ticks: [
          new Date(2014, 0), new Date(2014, 1), new Date(2014, 2), new Date(2014, 3),
          new Date(2014, 4),  new Date(2014, 5), new Date(2014, 6), new Date(2014, 7),
          new Date(2014, 8), new Date(2014, 9), new Date(2014, 10), new Date(2014, 11)

    var classicChart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
    classicChart.draw(data, classicOptions);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart_div"></div>

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