Cleanest Drag And Drop Code In Javascript Canvas
Solution 1:
Here's the setup I've used for dragging a single item. I can't tell if you want to drag multiple things or not, that'd be a slight modification.
In words: in mousedown search for a hit object in the reserved order you drew the objects (so the topmost item gets hit first), store this hit item, then mousedrag is simply piping the coords/delta to that item.
//start with only the mousedown event attached
//and some vars to track the dragged itemvar dragIdx = -1;
var dragOffsetX, dragOffsetY;
//...calc coords into mouseX, mouseYfor(i=circArray.length; i>=0; i--){ //loop in reverse draw order
dx = mouseX - circArray[i].x;
dy = mouseY - circArray[i].y;
if (Math.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)) < circArray[i].r) {
//we've hit an item
dragIdx = i; //store the item being dragged
dragOffsetX = dx; //store offsets so item doesn't 'jump'
dragOffsetY = dy;
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove",mousemove); //start dragging
functionmousemove(e) {
//...calc coords
circArray[dragIdx].x = mouseX + dragOffsetX; //drag your item
circArray[dragIdx].y = mouseY + dragOffsetY;
functionmouseup(e) {
dragIdx = -1; //reset for next mousedown
canvas.removeListener(.... //remove the move/up events when done
My js is rusty at the moment but this should give the idea. The dragOffsetX/Y is used to keep the item from jumping to the cursor when clicked. You could also just store the old mouse coordinate and add a delta to your item.
Also, instead of storing an index to your drag item you could store a reference to it, or maybe an array of references to drag multiple items. And instead of directly manipulating your items you could put a mousedown/drag/up interface on them to let them handle it. This'll make it easier to mix in other types of items.
Another thing I'm not sure about is how you're calculating your coordinates. I do something different but it's older code and I'm guessing your way measures just as well. -t
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