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Dynamically Access Object Property Using Variable

I'm trying to access a property of an object using a dynamic name. Is this possible? const something = { bar: 'Foobar!' }; const foo = 'bar';; // The idea is to acces

Solution 1:

There are two ways to access properties of an object:

  • Dot notation:
  • Bracket notation: something['bar']

The value between the brackets can be any expression. Therefore, if the property name is stored in a variable, you have to use bracket notation:

var something = {
  bar: 'foo'
var foo = 'bar';

// both x = something[foo] and something[foo] = x work as expectedconsole.log(something[foo]);

Solution 2:

This is my solution:

functionresolve(path, obj) {
    returnpath.split('.').reduce(function(prev, curr) {
        return prev ? prev[curr] : null
    }, obj || self)

Usage examples:

// orresolve("style.width", document.body)
// or even use array indexes// (someObject has been defined in the question)resolve("part.0.size", someObject) 
// returns null when intermediate properties are not defined:resolve('', {hello:'world'})

Solution 3:

In javascript we can access with:

  • dot notation -
  • square brackets - foo[someVar] or foo["string"]

But only second case allows to access properties dynamically:

var foo = { pName1 : 1, pName2 : [1, {foo : bar }, 3] , ...}

var name = "pName"var num  = 1;

foo[name + num]; // 1// -- var a = 2;
var b = 1;
var c = "foo";

foo[name + a][b][c]; // bar

Solution 4:

Following is an ES6 example of how you can access the property of an object using a property name that has been dynamically generated by concatenating two strings.

var suffix = " name";

var person = {
    ["first" + suffix]: "Nicholas",
    ["last" + suffix]: "Zakas"

console.log(person["first name"]);      // "Nicholas"console.log(person["last name"]);       // "Zakas"

This is called computed property names

Solution 5:

You can achieve this in quite a few different ways.

let foo = {
    bar: 'Hello World'

The bracket notation is specially powerful as it let's you access a property based on a variable:

let foo = {
    bar: 'Hello World'

let prop = 'bar';


This can be extended to looping over every property of an object. This can be seem redundant due to newer JavaScript constructs such as for ... of ..., but helps illustrate a use case:

let foo = {
    bar: 'Hello World',
    baz: 'How are you doing?',
    last: 'Quite alright'

for (let prop in foo.getOwnPropertyNames()) {

Both dot and bracket notation also work as expected for nested objects:

let foo = {
    bar: {
        baz: 'Hello World'

Object destructuring

We could also consider object destructuring as a means to access a property in an object, but as follows:

let foo = {
    bar: 'Hello World',
    baz: 'How are you doing?',
    last: 'Quite alright'

let prop = 'last';
let { bar, baz, [prop]: customName } = foo;

// bar = 'Hello World'
// baz = 'How are you doing?'
// customName = 'Quite alright'

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