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Update Two Layer Nested Object Based On The Id

I have this structure in my Mother Model (this is a fixed structure and I just push cards or update them on these 3 array levels): { cards: { starter: [], intermediate: [

Solution 1:

You can actually sort your problem out with the update method, but you have to do it in a different way if you are using MongoDB 4.2 or later. The second parameter can be the $set operation you want to perform or an aggregation pipeline. Using the later you have more liberty shaping the data. This is the way you can solve your problem, I will breakdown after:

  "cards.advanced.unit": 2
    $set: {
      "cards.advanced": {
        $map: {
          input: "$cards.advanced",
          as: "adv",
          in: {
            cards: {
              $map: {
                input: "$$",
                as: "advcard",
                in: {
                  $cond: [
                      $eq: [
                      title: "this is a NEW updated card",
                      id: "$$"
            unit: "$$adv.unit"
  new: true,

First with use the update method passing three parameters:

  • Filter query
  • Aggregation pipeline
  • Options. Here I just used new: true to return the updated document and make it easier to test.

This is the structure:

  "cards.advanced.unit": 2
  // Pipeline
  new: true,

Inside the pipeline we only need one stage, the $set to replace the property advanced with an array we will create.

    $set: {
      "cards.advanced": {
        // Our first map

We first map the advanced array to be able to map the nested cards array after:

    $set: {
      "cards.advanced": {
        $map: {
          input: "$cards.advanced",
          as: "adv",
          in: {
            // Here we will map the nested array

We use the variable we declared on the first map and which contains the advanced array current item being mapped ( adv ) to access and map the nested "cards" array ( $$ ):

    $set: {
      "cards.advanced": {
        $map: {
          input: "$cards.advanced",
          as: "adv",
          in: {
            cards: {
              $map: {
                input: "$$",
                as: "advcard",
                in: {
                // We place our condition to check for the chosen card here
            unit: "$$adv.unit",

Lastly we check if the current card id is equal to the id being searched $eq: [ "$$", "main-2-1" ] and return the new card if it matches or the current card:

  $cond: [
      $eq: [
      title: "this is a NEW updated card",
      id: "$$advcard"


Here is a working example of what is described:

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