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Setattribute('src','page.html') Is Not Working

I have the following JavaScript to rotate pages in a iframe tag every 5 seconds. function setPage() { if (i == pages.length) { i = 0; } alert(pages[i]); //verif

Solution 1:

I'd suggest you to use elmnt.src = pages[i] instead.

If it still gives you error, then most probably you are trying to target element, that doesn't have src property. Check that elemt.tagName gives you IFRAME.

Solution 2:

Have you tried just manually setting the src property of the iframe?

document.getElementById('dashboard').src = pages[i];

Solution 3:

As you have it now, each time setPage gets called, the value i is undefined; if you want the value of i to be held from call to call, you need to set it in a closure:

var setPage = (function () {
    var i = 0;
    returnfunction () {
        if (i == pages.length) {
            i = 0;
        var elmnt = document.getElementById('dashboard');
        elmnt.setAttribute('src', pages[i]);

Also when setting the interval, the first argument should just be the name of the function, no quotes or parens:

setInterval(setPage, 5000);

There's a couple other tweaks you could make to it, but that should get it running.

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