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Jquery Loading Screen With Minimum Viewing Time

so i have this loading screen that displays information while the page is loading but because of faster internet speeds this can be displayed in a flash.. I would like to add a min

Solution 1:

You could put your fade-out method in a function and call that after an xx number of seconds from $(document).ready():

var timeoutID;

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    // start hiding the message after 2 seconds
    timeoutID = window.setTimeout(hideMessage, 2000);

functionhideMessage() {
        opacity: 0
    }, 800, function() {
            display: 'none'

Solution 2:

As mentioned by @Rayf, if that piece of info should be read, regardless of page loading speed, you should add some delay to it like this:

// time to read the message...adjust it to the time you feel is rightvar msgDisplayTime = 5000,
    interval = 0,
    loaded = false,
    delayed = false,
    fadeLoader = function () {
      jQuery('.pageLoad').animate({opacity: 0}, 800, function () {
          jQuery('.pageLoad').css({display: 'none'});

//timeout for your desired delay time//it will ask if it is already loaded after delay ends//triggering the fading of loading overlay
timeout = setTimeout(function(){
  delayed = true;

//when loaded, it will wait until delay happened//if not, it will delegate the execution to the timeout// so at the end, it will be triggered after the delay or//loading time, in case it longer than desired delayjQuery(window).load(function(){
  loaded = true;

Inside comments is the roughly explanation about how it works

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