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D3 Update On Node Removal Always Remove The Last Entry In Svg Dom

I'm seeing a weird behaviour in my D3 application and after hours of trying to figure out what's happening I hope someone can point me at the thing I obviously do wrong. I have sim

Solution 1:

If you are going to be deleting data elements from the middle of your array, you need to specify a key function to the data join so d3 knows which data should go with which element. Otherwise, the data is matched to elements in the order they are found and when there isn't enough data to go around the last element is the one that ends up removed.

Since you're using the name property of each data element as the identifier for removing elements, that is the logical choice for a data key.

node = svg.selectAll(".node")
        .data(jsonnodes, function(d){return;});    
link = svg.selectAll(".link")
              function(d){return + "_" +;});
label = svg.selectAll(".label")
              function(d){return + "_" +;});

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