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Show Pop Up Only Once Throughout One Navigation Of The Site

I have a website created using laravel. I want the user to be able to see a popup the first time he comes to my site. By first time I mean- the user comes to any page on my site(th

Solution 1:

you could use document.referrer, and check if the previous page is one of your domain. But not all visitors/browsers will return this value for security reasons.

So this is unreliable.

Solution 2:

Use a plugin like jQuery Cookie, then simply do:


Edit: since you edited your question regarding your definition of "first time visit", I'd advise the approach Walter Brand suggested, using the referrer. Taken from this post:

document.referrer.indexOf(location.protocol + "//" + === 0;

Solution 3:

Hi i did this solution while solving the client requirement "to show pop-up only once throughout navigating to different pages of the site" and it works good for me. I did it using cookie and setting the cookie value to the cookie creation time than i make the difference of the cookie value with current time using javascript setInterval function and compare the difference with the time on which i want to show the pop-up and it's work.

var myVar=""; 

var re = newRegExp(name + "=([^;]+)");
var value = re.exec(document.cookie);
return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : null;

              var c1= newDate();
              var c2=c1.getTime();
            var cvalue= getCookie("magazine");
            var cvalue2=parseInt(cvalue);
            myVar=setInterval(function(){ call22(cvalue2);},1000);     

var curdate = newDate();
var curtime = curdate.getTime();
var curtime2=parseInt(curtime);
var result=curtime2 - abcd;
if( (result >30000) && (result < 31000) )

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