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Why Doesn't Element Catch Event When Using Dispatchevent From Sibling Polymer Element?

I have the following polymer element in my UI which has two polymer elements, baseline-policy-create and baseline-policy-domain-ajax.

Solution 1:

as Mishu said in comment, events travel up in the hierarchy. So in your baseline-policies-tab you need to catch that event and pass it to baseline-policy-domain-ajax manually.

Some example:

<dom-module id="baseline-policies-tab">
<template><styleinclude="dfw-styles">:host {
    display: block;
</style><baseline-policy-createon-domain-ajax="_onDomainAjax"></baseline-policy-create><baseline-policy-domain-ajax></baseline-policy-domain-ajax></template><script>classBaselinePoliciesTabextendsPolymer.Element {
  staticgetis() {

  staticgetproperties() {

  _onDomainAjax(e) {
customElements.define(, BaselinePoliciesTab);


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