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Move Td Element And Reorder With Jquery

I have been trying to reorder table elements to set a new order. What I thought would work with grabbing the tr wont work since it grabs the entire piece being moved, including th

Solution 1:

You can use before to move the one row before the other.


Then to re-number, you can use text with a function to set the value:

$('#customList > tbody > tr > td:first-child').text(function(i){
    return i + 1;

Solution 2:

Seems you want to do something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var rowFirstChoice;
    var rowSecondChoice;
    $('.trigger').click(function () {
        if(rowFirstChoice==undefined) {            
            this.innerHTML = "MOVE";
            rowFirstChoice = $(this).parent().siblings().find("> input");
        } elseif (rowSecondChoice==undefined) {            
            rowSecondChoice = $(this).parent().siblings().find("input");        

            var firstValue = rowFirstChoice.val();

            rowFirstChoice = undefined;
            rowSecondChoice = undefined;

This will swap the values of the inputs, thus maintaining order numbers and ids in place.

Check it out here: JSFiddle

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