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Markers Not Showing On Google Maps

I'm trying to show markers on my map. but it's not showing them. this is the code I use: var map; var markers = new Array(); function initialize() { var mapOptions = {

Solution 1:

map is a local variable, only visible inside initialize.

Use this instead of map when you set the map-property of the marker:

function addMarker(event) {

    marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: event.latLng,
        map: this


the callback will be executed in the scope of the object that triggers the event. Here it is the Maps-instance(because the click-listener has been applied to the map ), this will refer to this object inside the callback.

Solution 2:


Here you're pushing the latlng, not the marker.

markers is an array variable with global scope, whereas marker is a local variable. In markers array you have to insert each inidividual marker and then process it.

function addMarker(event) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: event.latLng,
        map: map

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