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Ie7/8: Pdf File Won't Download With Http Get

I'm using a DataGridView to display a list of statements. One of the columns is a LinkButton, which allows you to download that specific statement in PDF format. My code works perf

Solution 1:

Can you try this-

    Response.Buffer = true;
            Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
              string.Format("attachment; filename={0}",filename)
            // stream pdf bytes to the browser
            Response.OutputStream.Write(estatement.Document, 0, estatement.Document.Length);

Solution 2:

Here is a post on stackoverflow that I had which sounds like the same problem.

IE8 and lower cant handle the Cache-control header and causes static content such as PDF's to not get downloaded.


Solution 3:

Two things:

1) Clear all of your headers prior to creating your response in your handler. This solved an issue for me cause by Microsoft Security Bulletin MS11-100 where the Cache-Control header was getting set to no-cache="Set-Cookie" (see this blog post for more info) :

// snip...if (estatement.Document != null)
    context.Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf";
    // snip...

2) I'm not sure if this is actually causing any issues, but rather than creating an iframe each time a user downloads a PDF, why not just set the window.location property? This way you're not adding "throw-away" iframes to the document, and the behavior should still be the same:

functionEStatementDownload(fileid) {
    window.location = "EStatementFile.ashx?fileid=" + fileid;

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