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Enabling Inactive Fields By Clicking On Field

Is it possible to have a group of inactive fields where if one of the fields is clicked some of the fields become mandatory and some segments of code are run? Say for example you h

Solution 1:

This method you are looking is called 'chained-select' method.

jQuery framework is used for example below:

<html><head><scriptsrc="//"></script></head><body><formaction=""method="get"><label><inputname="Government"type="checkbox"value="">Government</label><br><label><inputname="Parent"type="checkbox"id="parent_child_group"value="">Parent</label><br><label>Name of Child
    $(document).ready(function () {
         $(function() {

         functionenable_cb() {
             if (this.checked) {
             } else {
                 $("input.parent_child_group").attr("disabled", true);

Working example on JSFiddle:

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