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Dependency Injection In Context Of Backbone.js

I heard a lot about dependency injection(DI) in angular js. how we can achieve the same in backbone.js. I am browsing for the same but all articles are using requirejs for DI in ba

Solution 1:

Backbone has not the concept of DI included into it. It's more a library than a framework. Normally tools like requirejs or browserify will do the dependecy injection for you.

I prefer the CommonJS flavor of it, calling require("module") whenever you need it, like this:

//in file models/dependency1.jsdefine(function(require, exports, module){
  varBackbone = require("backbone"); //shimmed in requirejs configmodule.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
      name: "Silly Model"

//in another filedefine(function(require, exports, module){
  varBackbone = require("backbone"), 
      SillyModel = require("models/dependency1");

  module.exports = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: SillyModel

Of course this not real DI as you get in Java or .NET with interfaces, but you can also use a factory pattern when needed to really be able to provide the dependency dynamically.

You can also call require(XXX) instead of SillyModel:

module.exports = Backbone.Collection({
  model: require("models/dependency1")

I prefer to have the summary of dependencies at the top, it simplifies understanding what this file is about. :)

Hope it helps!

Solution 2:

cujo.js/wire will provide you architectural toolset to use DI in JS. It also bundles a lot of other goodies ( Promise, Polyfill, AOP,DOM handling etc.)

It allows you to declaratively create components and connect these components, inject references into your components. github wiki page

Here is a link to Github repo that demonstrates using cujo.js/wire and backbone.js side by side.

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