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Listening To Events Such As Adding New Elements In Javascript

I need to create an event listener such that, when a new element is added to the document, or any of its child, my event handler gets called. Any ideas how to do this using?

Solution 1:

.bind('DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved')

this are the events to check element is inserted or removed.

bind on parent element this event.

and call your function in handler

js fiddle demo :

click here for example...

Solution 2:

Mutation events are deprecated, use Mutation Observer instead. You can also use arrive.js library, it uses Mutation Observer internally and provides a nice simple api to listen for elements creation and removal.

$('#container').arrive('.mySelector', function(){
    var $newElem = $(this);

Solution 3:

DOMNodeInserted is deprecated in DOM Level 3 recommendation. using them slows browsers down (they say). depending on what you need it for, it might make sense to trigger a custom event inside the code where you insert the element.

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