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How Do I Apply `get` Proxy On `window.location` In Javascript?

I'm using Chrome 60. I've just tried to apply a get Proxy on window.location. It worked for the first two reference, however, then it failed with Illegal invocation error: location

Solution 1:

Why did it throw the error?

It's for the same reason why proxies are incompatible with Sets or with Maps: They are native objects, and their methods (like toString in your example) expect to be called on exactly such a native object with the respective internal slots, not a proxy.

How do I apply get Proxy on window.location in Javascript?

You need to bind all methods that the get traps intercepts to the target:

newProxy(location, {
    get: (target, name) => {
        console.log(name, target, "PROX");
        returntypeof target[name] == "function"
          ? target[name].bind(target)
          : target[name];

However, that still doesn't change that you cannot replace the window.location global with your own implementation. It's a non-configurable property, and assigning to it will cause a navigation not write to the property.

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