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Ext Js Empty Itemselector When Loaded For The Second Time

i'm a newbie with ExtJS, i'm using ExtJS 4.0.7 and what they call MVC, just getting use to the code, so, i was taking a look to the examples, and there is one that works perfect fo

Solution 1:

I was looking into the Ext js forum, someone gave a solution, i don't know if it is the best but it works for me,


now, it is working as i wanted

hope it can help others

Solution 2:

In my Forms initComponent method I added a listener for beforerender

initComponent: function () {
    var me = this;
    Ext.applyIf(me, {
        listeners: {
        beforerender: {
                fn: me.onFormBeforeRender,
                scope: me



onFormBeforeRender: function(abstractcomponent, options) {
            // where store is created globally like this var store = Ext.create('');


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