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Cloning Elements [div] [script] In Javascript

I'm trying to clone a div in pure Javascript, however, cloneNode leads to duplicate ids (div_0). I would like to increment the id as div_1, div_2... and do the same to somevar = {'

Solution 1:

Try this..


functioncloning() {
    var container = document.getElementById('mydiv');
    var clone = document.getElementById('div_0').cloneNode(true);
    container.appendChild (clone);


Solution 2:

Set counter=0 and then increment after each cloning invocation with counter++ and use and set it to 'div_' + counter

Solution 3:

I haven't had a chance to test this, but this might do the trick:

functioncloning (e) {
    if (typeof e === 'string') {
        e = document.getElementById(e);

    var clone = e.cloneNode(true),
        last_inc = cloning.last_inc || parseInt(\d+)$/)[0], 10);

    last_inc += 1; = 'div_' + last_inc;
    cloning.last_inc = last_inc;


If you want to update a global variable somewhere, you can do return { "elem" : "div_" + last_inc }; and assign the result of the function. Or instead of a return, you could explicitly make the assignment. I'd recommend the former.

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