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Animation Of Meta Name="theme-color"

I want to use an animation consisting of several colors, in eg: #87CEFA , #1E90FF , #4169E1... Is it possible to animate the theme-col

Solution 1:

Finally I found a solution to this problem with the following JavaScript code. With this code, 3 theme-colors on browser's URL bar change dynamically.

var themeColorTest = newfunction() {
  functione() {
    "#87CEFA" === $themeColor.content ? $themeColor.content = "#1E90FF" : "#1E90FF" === $themeColor.content ? $themeColor.content = "#4169E1" : $themeColor.content = "#87CEFA",
      setTimeout(e, 500)
  this.init = function() {
    $themeColor = document.querySelector("meta[name='theme-color']"),
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>Animation of meta name theme-color</title><metaname="theme-color"content="#87CEFA" /></head><body><p>More info on the <code>theme-color</code> meta tag is at this <ahref="">Google Developers Blog Post</a>.</p></body></html>

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