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Showing posts from April, 2023

`TypeError: $.Tween Is Undefined` In FireFox

I get this error on this page in Firefox, but only sometimes: TypeError: $.Tween is undefined The… Read more `TypeError: $.Tween Is Undefined` In FireFox

Resize Of Iframe Dynamically Depending On The Content Of The Iframe Of The Iframe's Src URL

I want to resize the height of Iframe dynamically on the content of the IFrame's src URL and th… Read more Resize Of Iframe Dynamically Depending On The Content Of The Iframe Of The Iframe's Src URL

Reading Local Server .json File With MobileFirst Javascript Adapter

Is there any way that I can read a .json file (located in server) from a javascript http adapter? I… Read more Reading Local Server .json File With MobileFirst Javascript Adapter

D3.JS JSON Data Import - Not In Global Scope

I have a json: { 'temp_data': [10,15,20] } I am trying to import it: var temp_data; //… Read more D3.JS JSON Data Import - Not In Global Scope

How To Wrap The Datepicker In A New Div?

I need to put my datepicker in a new div, that will be a (shadow-)border-div. I've tried the fo… Read more How To Wrap The Datepicker In A New Div?

Some Questions About The Typeof Operator Of IE9

I have been learning the Definitive Guide of JavaScript.i got a question about the typeof opertor.… Read more Some Questions About The Typeof Operator Of IE9

Kendo UI Javascript : Remote Bind Form

I'm having trouble getting started with binding a Form to a remote Datasource in Kendo UI for j… Read more Kendo UI Javascript : Remote Bind Form

Using HTTP/2 With AngularJS

I am trying to find out ways to increase the performance of my web application when I stumbled upon… Read more Using HTTP/2 With AngularJS

Get Elements In Text Selection

I want to get all of the elements contained in a user selection (as in DOM 2 ranges / MS TextRanges… Read more Get Elements In Text Selection

How Can I Make Add Firepad To My Reactjs Project?

So I've been learning react, and wanted to make a basic firepad instance. My current setup is h… Read more How Can I Make Add Firepad To My Reactjs Project?

Websockets, Express.js And Can’t Establish A Connection To The Server

This is simple chat on WS and express.js. I get the error that the browser can't connect to ser… Read more Websockets, Express.js And Can’t Establish A Connection To The Server

Dynamically Loading The Controller In Angularjs $routeProvider

I currently have an AngularJS app with routing built in and it works perfectly with static controll… Read more Dynamically Loading The Controller In Angularjs $routeProvider

How To Render Multiple Row In A Cell In Datatables From A Different Table?

I am creating a table using datatables and I am having some trouble rendering data in it. My Table … Read more How To Render Multiple Row In A Cell In Datatables From A Different Table?

Sharing Variables Between Web Workers? [global Variables?]

Is there any way for me to share a variable between two web workers? (Web workers are basically thr… Read more Sharing Variables Between Web Workers? [global Variables?]

Pass Value Returned From Jqueryui Autocomplete To Another Function

Here's my use case: User selects an option returned from an autocomplete lookup. Data returned… Read more Pass Value Returned From Jqueryui Autocomplete To Another Function

Using Javascript FileReader With Huge Files

I have a problem using the Javascript FileRead trying to read huge files. For example, I have a tex… Read more Using Javascript FileReader With Huge Files

Problems With Validating A Document When Trying To Create A Nested List Using Javascript

Here is my whole document. I'm having problems with the part in the head that starts with var … Read more Problems With Validating A Document When Trying To Create A Nested List Using Javascript

Why Doesn't This Particular Regex Work In JavaScript?

I have this regex on Javascript : var myString=''; var mailValidator = new RegEx… Read more Why Doesn't This Particular Regex Work In JavaScript?

Augmenting A Webapp With Native Capabilities - Bridging PhoneGap's InAppBrowser With Rails Web App Application Javascript

I have written a simplistic chat application using Rails 3 and JQuery Mobile, you can have a look a… Read more Augmenting A Webapp With Native Capabilities - Bridging PhoneGap's InAppBrowser With Rails Web App Application Javascript

Catch Image Dragged Into A Text Field In Javascript

I want to allow a user to drag an image from a web page into my web app and then store and use the … Read more Catch Image Dragged Into A Text Field In Javascript

Mootools | Open/close Popup Menu And Outer Click Event

I'm using mootools and working on popup menu: document.getElement('.cart a').toggle( … Read more Mootools | Open/close Popup Menu And Outer Click Event

Calling A Php Function In A Separate File Using AJAX

I've been writing a currency converter and need to use jQuery and AJAX to send the to and from … Read more Calling A Php Function In A Separate File Using AJAX

Compare Array Of Words To A Textarea Input With Javascript

I have a textarea inside a form. Before the form is submitted, the textarea is validated and checke… Read more Compare Array Of Words To A Textarea Input With Javascript

Is A DOM Text Node Guaranteed To Not Be Interpreted As HTML?

Does anyone know whether a DOM Node of type Text is guaranteed not be interpreted as HTML by the br… Read more Is A DOM Text Node Guaranteed To Not Be Interpreted As HTML?

Dealing With Slow Electron Startup

Context I have spent some hours playing with Electron and I have observed that it consistently take… Read more Dealing With Slow Electron Startup

Nested Object Filtering - Angular

Right now I have an array of complex objects that have objects inside of objects. I'm trying to… Read more Nested Object Filtering - Angular

Using Filters On The `template` Of A `directive` In Angular

This question is about using a combination of bind and filters within the template of a directive. … Read more Using Filters On The `template` Of A `directive` In Angular

Google Maps API Multiple KML Layers

I'm not much of a programmer but I'm learning pretty fast. Excuse me if my code isn't p… Read more Google Maps API Multiple KML Layers

Running SQL Query After AJAX Completes

I currently have 2 html dropdowns. Once I select from one, it filters the data in my HTML table and… Read more Running SQL Query After AJAX Completes