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Replacing A Part Of Text Inside A Td

I have a td with this format: Business Owner - Delivery Director How can

Solution 1:

You can use the childNodes property to select the first text node and change its value:

$('td')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue = "New content";

Here is a demonstration:

Solution 2:

Use .contents() to get the text node (with CharacterData interface) and then manipulate its content:

$("td").contents()[0].data = "Businees Owner (CEO)";

Demo at

Solution 3:

With that structure, you'll have to do string manipulation, either using split:

var td = $("selector_for_the_td_element");
var text = td.html().split("<br>");
text[0] = "new content";

...or using indexOf and substring:

var td = $("selector_for_the_td_element");
var text = td.html();
var index = text.indexOf("<br>");
text = "new content" + text.substring(index);

Now, if you can change your HTML structure to this:

    <span>Business Owner - Delivery Director</span><br>
    <a href=""></a>
</td> gets a lot easier:

$("selector_for_the_td_element > span").text("new content");

Solution 4:

If the html structure is exactlly what you post, you can achieve it like this:

this.childNodes[0].nodeValue = 'hello'; //this is the td element

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