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Showing posts from July, 2022

Highlight Links On Navigation

I am trying to finish up my navigation for my site. I'm attaching the jsfiddle code to show yo… Read more Highlight Links On Navigation

How Can I Get The IOS Status Bar To *overlay* The App Surface Rather Than Pushing It Down?

I am developing a Phonegap app for iOS (and others). The view is landscape only. I am using Phonega… Read more How Can I Get The IOS Status Bar To *overlay* The App Surface Rather Than Pushing It Down?

Get Text From Field On Keyup, But With Delay For Further Typing

I have a form which is submitted remotely when the various elements change. On a search field in p… Read more Get Text From Field On Keyup, But With Delay For Further Typing

Can We Find Breakdown Point/ Break Down Analysis In High Chart Line Graph?

I want a graph like this image. I have tried making this using high chart , But I am unable to calc… Read more Can We Find Breakdown Point/ Break Down Analysis In High Chart Line Graph?

Get Value Of Span Text In Tampermonkey

I am playing with Tampermonkey scripts in JS. I have a website that shows the user's location a… Read more Get Value Of Span Text In Tampermonkey

Javascript - Garbage Collector Timers?

Any idea on garbage collector timer in javascript? Suppose i run below script, will function and as… Read more Javascript - Garbage Collector Timers?

How To Declare An Array In JS (like I'd Do It In PHP)?

Hey, Im trying to make a nested array in JS var lines = new Array( '0&#… Read more How To Declare An Array In JS (like I'd Do It In PHP)?

Javascript - Can't Adjust FrameRate - Requestanimationframe

I start the loop function gameLoop(){ update(); draw(); requestAnimFrame(gameLoop); } var… Read more Javascript - Can't Adjust FrameRate - Requestanimationframe

SVG Element Not Receiving Onclick In Chrome

I am writing a javascript application for Chrome Version 66.0.3359.139 (and maybe other versions ev… Read more SVG Element Not Receiving Onclick In Chrome

Store In LocalStorage Is Showing 2 Values As Debugger And Undefined

I am Buildig Normal HTML And Materialize Css And Javascript. When i am storing tasks in my localS… Read more Store In LocalStorage Is Showing 2 Values As Debugger And Undefined

Does JavaScript WebSocket.send Method Block?

If I'm sending a large Blob or ArrayBuffer over a JavaScript WebSocket via its send method... d… Read more Does JavaScript WebSocket.send Method Block?

JS Sort By Specific Sort Order

I need to sort my data by a specific order as shown below. const sortBy = ['b','a',… Read more JS Sort By Specific Sort Order

Javascript Timer Page Up And Down Won't Go To Bottom Of Page

I have a timer script which scrolls up and down and repositions the page to the top every 10 second… Read more Javascript Timer Page Up And Down Won't Go To Bottom Of Page

Where Did The Text Selection API Go?

Two years ago the HTML5 standard dropped the chapter 'Text Selection API' which contained a… Read more Where Did The Text Selection API Go?

How Do I Create A Prepared Statement In Node.JS For MSSQL?

I need to insert a string defined in Javascript into an MSSQL table. This is what I have so far: Ja… Read more How Do I Create A Prepared Statement In Node.JS For MSSQL?

Wicked PDF - Wait For AJAX Request To Finish

I'm trying to generate a PDF using WickedPDF and all of my static HTML/CSS is loading. I have … Read more Wicked PDF - Wait For AJAX Request To Finish

Are Promise.resolve And New Promise(resolve) Interchangeable

I think Promise.resolve and new Promise(resolve) are interchangeable. Consider this: A. new RSVP.Pr… Read more Are Promise.resolve And New Promise(resolve) Interchangeable

Best Way To Convert Object With Arrays To Array With Objects And Viceversa

what is the best way to convert an object of arrays to an array of objects and vice-versa { categ… Read more Best Way To Convert Object With Arrays To Array With Objects And Viceversa

Transform HTML Elements In Conjunction With OrbitControls So That They Appear To Rotate With The Objects In The Scene

I have created a Three.js scene in which there is a globe (with an Earth texture) that can be rotat… Read more Transform HTML Elements In Conjunction With OrbitControls So That They Appear To Rotate With The Objects In The Scene

How To Hide Or Disable Radiobuttonlist And Textbox Based On Condition Of Another Two Textboxes When Edit Button Is Clicked

I have a formview with textboxes and radiobuttonlist and edit button in the order as follows &#… Read more How To Hide Or Disable Radiobuttonlist And Textbox Based On Condition Of Another Two Textboxes When Edit Button Is Clicked